Kursus yang tersedia

This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of various methods and approaches to teaching languages effectively. Through a combination of theory, practical applications, and classroom observations, students will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to become proficient language educators. This course will explore different language teaching methods, pedagogical theories, and best practices in language instruction.

Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) is A course which aims to enable students to study an approach to teaching and learning foreign / second languages in which computer, computer-based resources and information technology are used to present, reinforce and assess material to be learned.

Pada program English for Beginners ini, anda akan dibekali dengan pengetahuan dasar tentang aturan-aturan dan konsep dasar tata bahasa Inggris, mengidentifikasi dan mengkaji berbagai macam bentuk Tenses dasar, menyusun kalimat dan menggunakan bahasa inggris berdasarkan konteks nyata sesuai dengan kaidah tata bahasa yang benar.

Hi Everyone! 

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Wahyuddin Rauf, M.Pd.

